Tuesday, May 26, 2020


CEO André Miranda has announced that Musiversal is developing a new platform that will be released on June 1st featuring a completely new branding and a much wider set of services beyond orchestra recording sessions. This is the next step as a managed marketplace and will allow music creators to hire and collaborate live with some of the best musicians, music producers and engineers.
staff at musiversal
Musiversal has curated and signed some of the top talent in LA and in other cities around the world and is opting for quality instead of quantity, a completely different strategy from other music production marketplaces. Coincidentally, Musiversal's 1-on-1 sessions were being developed before COVID and they are set up to be performed live over a zoom-call-type from the artist's home studio. The pandemic situation makes this solution particularly relevant now at this time where musicians jobs are being affects and new remote solutions are necessary. Musiversal also prides itself in its business model that aims to pay fairly to musicians while its shared session model makes prices for the consumer much more affordable than other alternatives.


My relationship with André Miranda developed when he was in my experimental class at NYU.

It was my great fortune, a few years ago, to have had André Miranda in my newly revived EXPANDED MUSIC, an experimental class in movement, media, and collaboration using new technologies. The class focused on improvisation and Internet2 interactive performance ...we developed material through collaboration and improvisation to share scenes with Quilmes University in Argentina. This had been the first class I taught at New York University in 1969, and it had been especially created to integrate new technologies and media in the creating and production of music. It was revived in 2012 to explore new techniques and media.

As I began my new business of ARC ASSOCIATES, I planned to visit my former students in their countries as I hoped to network with their work as we sought to support Arts Collaboration initiatives on a global scale.

Among the first of NYU Alumni that I visited was André as I returned from a celebration of Human Rights Day with Sandro Dernini in Rome. I was delighted when André indicated he was at home in Lisbon and would welcome my visit. I had longed to return to Portugal where I had performed a multimedia festival with Colleagues in Porto.
But I was especially enthusiastic about reconnecting with André, since from the first day I met him, I was impressed and excited about his new ideas for the business of music. His enthusiasm and passion for pursuing innovative ideas for music business was a catalyst for my own thinking as I retired from NYU,  and started to work on building a network in international collaborative media artists.

André proved to be the perfect host, taking me to lunch and then tour the world famous MAAT (Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology).

Located in Lisbon beside the Targus River, MAAT's iconic structure defines the essence of what it curates for the 21st century, bringing together philosophy and architecture (a stunning installation of Wittgenstein, for example, while I was there), and rooms of old technology as objects of history and art, to the ecology of waste and its impact on our oceans... I can't think of any museum in the United States that provides as wide a range of converging disciplines as what I saw at MAAT---Lisbon should be proud.

1 comment:

Rick said...

I wonder if the Musiversal platform would also be a good medium for a chorus rehearsal, presuming that the audio latency was under control. So far muting all participants except the host/conductor doesn't provide much of a shared experience and negates the communal spirit of the enterprise.