Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Making Time

Time always remembers
Important moments…
Some glowing embers,
Or feelings so intense…
We are suddenly changed—-
Discovering we feel
Our destiny rearranged.
We discover we are real
And made of Dreams
And Love and Joy…
Entangled so it seems,
And nothing can destroy
Our connected awareness
Expanding forever
As universal fairness…
And isn’t it clever
That actually we are Time?
We are the ticking of the Toc
The makers of the rhyme,
The rhythm of the clock.
We are the stuff that make
Moments to remember,
And the dreams that take
Us past September.
October withers us away…
December slithers into night…
I still have songs to play
Before my final flight.


Rick said...

I feel a song's coming on....

Wyzard said...

There was a Time,
There was a Place
When winter solstice
Beckoned me to rebel
Against the threat of darkness,
The perpetual night
Of nothingness..
Then music fills
The circuits of my fingers
With sounds to paint the blackness
With vivid colors of universal Joy...
Songs emerge from the energy of Love...
Yearning to touch lost and distant friends
Singing pierces the isolation of fear
Musicing transforms the winter solstice
Into a festival of Light
Night disappears into a gleaming mantle...
Vividly Incandescent, Abundantly alive...