Thursday, December 08, 2005

Eating Art --- Right in the Old Plexus!

Gone from my consciousness for ten years, suddenly Sandro Dernini lit up the Torch Club by what seemed to be a sudden materialization, an apparition as startling as the ghost of Hamlet/ Sandro Dernini whom I had described to some friends just a day earlier as writing the most provocative dissertation of modern times in which he takes his cue from Derrida and writes the entire analysis in the margins/Sandro had been absent from my mind for almost a decade/yet here he was erupting in the room like a volcano/ripples of enthusiasm spilling from table to table as suddenly all the exploitations and adventures of Plexus came flooding back into the reality of the moment...

Greying and smiling/yet full of the mischief that energized artists, philosophers, engineers, dancers, musicians, composers, students, professors, executives into happenings, conferences, art shows, exhibitions, and extravaganzas/ Sandro Dernini, the italian philosopher and scientist once again raised the banner for Eating Art---a movement now matured, and in his hand, poised like a bible, a sacred tablet of Plexus, he held the advanced proof of his new book, Eating Art/ chronicling the adventures of Plexus over the past two decades/ all the old players swept up in the torrents of memories and happenings along with the new generations somewhat stunned and awed by the loquacious and gracious italian impresario/only Sandro could convert a basic human survival need such as eating into art/his magical powers led us like pied piper along the routes of Plexus parades and voyages/navigating the globe like Columbus/making us digest the reality of all the atrocities and astonishing discoveries as the miracle of being human/and humans are meant to devour art with the voracious appetite of a people starved by the mundane and commonplace...


Anonymous said...

I have to read this dissertation!


Anonymous said...

read it at your own have to be slightly insane for such things to start to make sense...